Devon is one of the children in our community in need of a wheelchair van conversion!
A note from Devon’s Mom: Its been 4 years since Devon has owned his first wheelchair. During this time we’ve purchased a van but haven’t yet had the funds to convert it to being wheelchair accessible. Although we have purchased a power chair for Devon, we’ve been limited to using his manual chair anywhere other than school. His manual chair is the only one that we can physically lift into our van. The construction of the chair and required padding/support makes it very heavy and this has become quite a challenge. Along with that, Devon is approaching 8 years of age and doesn’t want to stop growing 🙂 Consequently he is becoming more and more difficult to carry and lift into the car seat. Having a wheelchair accessible van would give him the independence of operating his power chair to get in and out of the vehicle, as well as provide a safe, comfortable form of transportation vs a car seat that he is still currently travelling in. Using his power chair more frequently vs just at school, will give him the practice he needs to have the ability to comfortably learn how to operate and control his chair. In general, having an accessible van would be amazing for Devon’s safety, comfort and independence and would make our lives much easier as a family.